## Git: The Basics Jake A. Smith | @jakeasmith Software Engineer, VMR Products
## QA
Who is using Git right now?
Who is using something similar like Subversion?
Who wants to use Git but isn't?
## What is Git?
"Git is a distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) system with an emphasis on speed."
"Initially designed and developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development."
## What's the problem?
Changes are destructive.
Crazy file and directory names.
No log data.
Deploying is unreliable.
Sharing and merging is painful.
## Three Topics
Tracking your own work.
Deploying to production.
Collaborating with your team.
## What's a checksum?
Its like a fingerprint, but for files.
Git uses the SHA1 algorthim.
## Terminal commands * **pwd** - print working directory * **ls** - list directory contents * **cd** - change directory * **touch** - create and modify files * **cat** - concatenate and print files
## git branch
## git merge
## Remotes
## Resources * Pro Git * Branching strategies * * Pull requests (agile / rapid release cycle) * * git-flow (waterfall / planned release cycle)
## Jake A. Smith @jakeasmith | jakeasmith.com